Each TESTUDO prototype will be validated under the scope of an either operational tests and trials due to their complexity and under real operational scenarios identified by the end-users.
Use Case #1: Disruptive online events in water reservoirs

Scenario: During night time, the management system of a water treatment facility is attempted to be hacked. A potential hacker is connected on the management system targeting to affect the smooth operation of the facility by interfering to an installed CBRN with the intension to cause panic among the personnel and if possible, to release major amounts of chemicals which otherwise are beneficial for water quality in small quantities.
Solution: Cyber-threat detection service for identification and prevention of the hacker attempt
Result: Visualisation of the incident evolution based on the operator’s decisions
Use Case #2: Chemical fire in tunnel provoked by an electric vehicle

Scenario: Due to heavy rains in the last days, part of the roof of a tunnel in the highway collapses. An electric vehicle which enters in the tunnel, tries to avoid the rocks in the road, losses the control and crashes into the wall. As some of the components of the battery were damaged, the car fire starts. Although exhaust systems react, they are not able to remove harmful smoke from the tunnel completely. People start to get out of the cars and head for the emergency exits. Moreover, a truck with hazardous substances is blocked near the fire.
Solution: Mobile sensors for threat detection
Result: Situation awareness supported by Digital Twins, Extended Reality and Human-Machine Interface technologies
Use Case #3: Synchronized attack on water treatment facilities

Scenario: During his/her daily activities, a remote operator of a water tank receives abnormal CBRN indications causing the distraction of the existing personnel. In parallel, a group of individuals, possible terrorists, clamber the fence of the facility and move towards the water tank in order to contaminate the water inside the tank with a CBRN substance. In order to ease their entrance, the illegal trespassing is performed from a location with no surveillance capabilities due to obstacles that prevent a proper connection.
Solution: UAVs and UGVs for area patrolling
Result: Threat detection, assessment and visualisation