TESTUDO partners attended the first workshop with end users that was organised on March 20th and 21st in the DFKI premises in Berlin, Germany, within the context of WP3 activities. The purpose of the workshop was to develop the description of the use cases, discuss the user requirements, the technical requirements and engage in preliminary discussions on the trials for the TESTUDO solution.
Partners from PROSEGUR, ADSENSUS and SATWAYS, along with CERTH as project coordinator, contributed to the moderation of the workshop. Representatives from EYDAP and INTERBIAK attended as end users, providing vital information and details on the infrastructure, operational protocols, human resources and procedures that will define the development of the TESTUDO solution and the three trials. Partners from ACCELIGENCE, INTERBIAK, VICOMTECH, NTTD-IT, T4i, TEKNIKER and DFKI actively engaged in discussions focused on the technical aspects of the TESTUDO solution and its implementation.
The outcomes from the first workshop with the end users contribute to the WP3 deliverables and offer a solid background that is essential for the technical partners in their activities for TESTUDO, as well as to the critical infrastructure operators that will benefit from a solution that will meet their specific needs.